Five programs in one
Wordbase Greek is a flexible program mainly focused on Ancient Greek and New Testament Greek. However it is easy to use it also for Modern Greek.
Wordbase contains a dictionary with all 5393 words in the New Testament. An other wordlist contains the same words sorted according to frequency. There is also a Swedish-Greek dictionary and frequency list.
Flash card system
Use the dictionary to create new word lists or enter own text. Any word list can be used in the flash card system.
Hangman game
Another fun way of learning Greek is to use the Hangman game. It is also based on the word lists, the one shipped with Wordbase or the ones You create.
Text editor
The fourth function is a Greek - Latin text editor, where You easily shift between Greek and Latin characters.
Grammar drill
Some word lists are made for grammar drill in the flash card section.
Contact: kihlman (at) Visitis: 
Greek font
To use Wordbase Greek You need a Greek font. There are several free fonts available. One important thing is to get a so called Unicode-based font, for instance Code 2000 or Gentium.
Font test
Wordbase 3.2 is delivered assuming you have Gentium. You can change the font to Code2000 or any Unicode font supporting Greek. If your operating system does not support the fonts you will not be able to use wordbase. If you have an older operating system it is suggested that you first try the fonts to make sure that your operating system meets the requirements.
Font test |
Code 2000 |
Gentium | Wrong |
ἴδε |
ἴδε | ἴδε |
Explanation: If You see any square on the third row in the table (as under Wrong) You do not have that font. |
Installation of fonts in six steps
1. Download the font and put it on for instance the desktop.
2. Open Start/Control Panel
3. Open Fonts in the Control Panel
4. Drag and drop the font from the desktop to the font folder.
5. Restart the computer.
6. Check this test again.
Download Wordbase Greek
Wordbase Greek is easily installed using the link below. When You are asked what to do with the file choose Run
Download and install
What about Mac and Linux?
Wordbase Greek has been made for Windows XP or later. However there are programs that allow you to run windows programs on other platforms. One such program is Virtual Box. If you have that program you will be able to run not only Wordbase Greek but also other programs from several other platforms.
Virtual Box
If You have Windows XP or later You should be able to use Wordbase, provided You have the .net framework from Microsoft. It is very likely You have it.
Check if You have the .net framework
If You do not have the .net framework it is available for free from Microsoft. Go to Windows Update and check for the framework under "Custom".
Windows Update
Word lists
The system uses word list for the dictionary, the hangman game and the flash card system. It is possible to create own lists, either by copying from another dictionary or by entering own words.
Have You made own lists?
If You have made other lists, for instance French - Greek or similar and want to share them, please mail them to kihlman (at)
Delivered word lists
All files are delivered together with the setup file.
Swedish users might want Jerker Blomqvist's files.
Dictonary | The English dictionary |
Dicton | An older version of the English dictionary |
Gram-Art | The articles |
Gram-Pr1 | Pronouns |
Gram-Pr2 | Pronouns |
Gram-V1 | Suffixes for w-verb present indicative act |
Gram-V2 | Suffixes for w-verb present indicative med-pass |
Gram-V3 | Suffixes for w-verb present imperative |
Gram-V4 | Suffixes for w-verb present impf act |
Gram-V5 | Suffixes for w-verb present impf med-pass |
Gram-V6 | Suffixes for w-verb present subjunctive act |
Gram-V7 | Suffixes for w-verb present subjunctive med-pass |
Gram-V10 | Suffixes for w-verb present indicative, imperative, imperfect and subjunctive, i.e. Gram-V1 to Gram-V7 in compressed form. |
Gram-V11 | Suffixes for aor 1 indicative and imperative act med |
Gram-V12 | Suffixes for aor pass indicative, imperative and subjunctive |
Gram-V20 | Gram-V11 and Gram-V12 in compressed form |
Gram-V30 | Gram-V10 and Gram-V20 in compressed form |
Gram-V40 | Gram-V30 and Aor 2 ( not compressed ) |
Gram-V41 | Gut act |
Gram-V50 | Gram-V40 and Gram-V41 ( not compressed ) |
Gram-V51 | Principal parts of be ( eimi ) |
Gram-V52 | Contractions |
Gram-V53 | Participles |
Letters | The letters |
Numbers | Names of certain numbers |
Ordlista | Swedish dictionary |
Top5393 | Most common 5393 words ( English ) |
Top1455 | Older version with most common 1455 words ( English ) |
Topp1455 | A shorter Swedish dictionary ( Swedish ) |
This manual is divided into sections depending on what to do with the program.
Working with dictionaries and word lists
A dictionary is a word list. Wordbase opens with two glossaries: Glossary 1 and Glossary 2. The first glossary is the main one used by hangman and the flash card section. The second glossary is a glossary to use when we want to create new glossarys by copying words from another glossary in Glossary 1, for instance the dictionary.
To Open and Save a glossary, use the icons on the toolbar.
To create a new glossary click the fourth icon on the toolbar. If You hold the mouse over the icon You will see the Text "New glossary". Enter the words in the textbox. The link Keyboard layout in the program explains how to type.
To quickly go back to the dictionary use the tird icon on the toolbar, the one with a D.
To search for words use the icon with the black google. If you want to search again for the same word, use the green google. It is possible to get a list of all hits by choosing that alternative in the search interface.
To copy words to a new glossarystart by opening a suitable source in Glossary 1. Search for the words and use the copy icon [C] on the toolbar to copy the word to Glossary 2. Do not forget to save Glossary 2 when You have finished! It is possible to open Glossary to a later time and add more words.
Hangman game
To play the hangman game open a suitable word list in Glossary 1. Then go to menu "Main menu/Hangman". Fill in the range of words to use and other required data. Please observe that the system copies difficult words to Glossary 2. In that way you could save Glossary 2 to have a list of words You are experiencing problems with. Do not forget to save Glossary 2, if You want to keep it. Return to the glossaries using menu "Main menu/Glossary".
Flash card trial
Open a suitable glossary in Glossary 1. Then go to menu "Main menu/Trial". Fill in the range to use in the trial and the additional required data. Please observe that the system copies difficult words to Glossary 2. In that way you could save Glossary 2 to have a list of words You are experiencing problems with. Do not forget to save Glossary 2, if You want to keep it. Return to the glossaries using menu "Main menu/Glossary".
Edit Greek-English texts
To edit Greek - English texts use menu "Main menu/Notepad". The text is entered in the same way as in to the word lists. If you do not know how to type - return to the glossaries ("Main meny/Glossary") and use the link "Keyboard layout" to see how Greek is typed. When You have written something You might save it using the icon for saving. It is also possible to move the text to Microsoft Word by copying and pasting the text. By moving the text to Word it is possible to print the text. Please observe that if you open the text with wordpad, notepad or another text editor you must change the font of the text in order to see proper Greek letters!